You might remember our Indie 100 series on our social media, shouting out some of our favourite things from musicians to camera shops and everything in between.
So we thought why not celebrate our favourites from each category and name our Ultimate Indies.
If you’re tagged below you can now officially bask in the eternal Indie Bay top 10 glory! ⠀
Indie 100: Fashion
@isabel_manns; The UK produces enough textile waste to fill Wembley Stadium. By working with sustainably conscious seamstresses in London, Isabel ensures all fabric is cut economically to minimise waste.⠀
Indie 100: Bookshops ⠀
@landrbookshops (Lutyens & Rubinstein Bookshop); Founded by literary agents Sarah Lutyens and Felicity Rubinstein, L & R sells fiction and general non-fiction with special sections for children’s books, poetry and art books. ⠀

Indie 100: Stockists ⠀
@Neckstamper; This East London craft brewery names their beers after obsolete slang terms, what’s not to love? ⠀

Indie 100: Hidden Gems ⠀
Leake Street Tunnel is London’s largest legal street art area covering nearly 300 metres. It showcases some amazing street art creations and was even home to some of Banksy’s original work. ⠀

Indie 100: Bars/Taprooms ⠀
@Beavertownbeer; Beavertown are one of the most exciting independent brands in the market with a recently opened microbrewery in Tottenham’s home stadium. ⠀

Cafes ⠀
@DraughtsLondon; This is the perfect place for you. This cafe houses more than 500 board games and for £5 you can play until kicking-out time. ⠀
Artists ⠀
@theletterbuglondon; We love the illustrative letters Ocki creates. Not only is she a great artist, she is also founder of the @blueshopcottage where she curates the space with monthly events. ⠀

Museums ⠀
@museumofbrands; Dedicated to displaying how brands have shaped society, this museum is definitely a favourite of ours. ⠀

Cameras ⠀
@Paralaxcoop; Designed to be a fair and ethical photographic retailer, and providing a stable and sustainable supply to their customers, they hope to support the use of film and the love of photography well into the future. ⠀

Musicians ⠀
@riotjazz; This 9-strong band aren’t short of passion or energy, and can’t be defined by one genre, drawing from drum’n’bass all the way to classical.

And that’s it folks. That’s our ultimate Indie 100 wrapped up. Give the guys above a round of applause. It’s extremely well deserved.