The Lady Garden

The Lady Garden

Hey Indies!

Every year we partner with amazing charities to be able to give back, the best way we can. This year we have partnered with the Lady Garden to help fight gynaecological cancer.

September is Gynaecological Cancer Awareness Month. Lady Garden are ‘more determined than ever that every woman knows the signs and symptoms of the five gynae cancers. Designed to get the focus firmly on the fanny, knowing what’s normal and not, smashing taboos as we go, we’re asking you to #GiveYourFannyFive.’ We are very much with them every step of the way and we are here to HELP raise AWARENNESS.

WOW, what an amazing time we have had partnering with them. Earlier this year, everyone came together to run 5k or 10k to help raise funds and awareness.

We were honoured to be the chosen pretzel waiting at the finish line for all the amazing runners, along with sponsoring the running vests. It felt amazing to see so many people running with Indie Bay on their back all running for the most incredible cause which is so close to our hearts. 💓

As a company we managed to raise and donate £7,500 (including sponsorship). Thank you so much to all who helped make this happen.

Let’s continue to raise money for gynaecological cancer. The fight doesn’t stop here ❤️👙🏃‍♀️