Indie Acts of Kindness: Say “Thank you” with Indie Bay

Indie Acts of Kindness: Say “Thank you” with Indie Bay
It’s been 11 months since 2020 began, but it’s still been the longest year we can remember.
-Dafna, Indie Bay Founder
Here at Indie Bay, we recognise that everyone is struggling in one way or another right now.
We also recognise that there are people up and down the country going above and beyond to keep us all afloat, and we want to show them some appreciation!
Some of our team members have kids, and those kids are at school. They’re at school, and learning from some amazing teachers who have done everything they can to support everyone’s kids online, offline, during lockdown and beyond. We are infinitely grateful for our teachers. They are rockstars, and the rocks that keep families working – and sane – throughout these wild and unpredictable times.
We think that’s pretty incredible, so we’re doing what we can to recognise the astounding work of teachers across the UK.
If we could, we’d pay them all millions. Really. They deserve it! Unfortunately we don’t bottomless piles of cash. We do, however, have something else…
Whilst we might not be experts when it comes to vaccines and whatnot, we are experts when it comes to pretzels.
So we’ll help you say “thank you” to some of the amazing teachers in your life, by dishing out some oven baked Snacks with Benefits.
We welcome you to nominate the incredible teachers in your lives, your kids’ lives, your friends lives’, that have put in the graft, gone the extra mile, and kept everyone’s kids engaged, entertained and educated through 2020. Whatever the subject, wherever the school, we know that these awesome people deserve a great big “thank you” and we want to help you say it.
Send your nominations to, telling us who you want to say thank you to, and explaining exactly why you want to say it. We promise to read every single email, and ship out some crunchy goodness to the people nominated in the emails we love.
From December onwards, we’ll be selecting a handful of teachers each month to ship out a great big box full of oven baked goodnesss to show how much we all care.
Like we said, when it comes to pretzels, we know what we’re doing, and we know that spreading the Indie Bay joy like this will help put a smile on anyone’s face.